Crazy Animal Face is a not for profit organisation conducting a rolling research project focussed on understanding the creative mindset.

Why? Individuals who use their creative mindset expose themselves to risk, they move themselves towards situations that they haven’t experienced before and with every step they take towards their aims, could fail publically. Yet, they still continue.

We want to understand as much as we can about the process of creative thinking and publish our findings as we go.

How? We like questions, A LOT. We speak to thought leaders who display true vision within creative thinking. And we publish our results through a number of outputs:

Each one of the above is designed to motivate, develop, and direct the ability in you for creative thinking by connecting you with others who think the same way. Those people who follow and contribute to our research by pushing themselves  outside of their comfort zones and creating conversation, we call our Tribe.

The name? A ‘crazy animal face’ is how we describe the face you make when you are totally scared and uncomfortable. True creative thinking never blossomed in a comfort zone, so to be thinking creatively, we need to be making a metaphorical or maybe even physical, Crazy Animal Face.

So, if you have a desire to learn from creative thought leaders, fuel your passion for creative thinking and want to connect with others, we are for you.

Everyone is welcome regardless of background, career, nationality or any other term of classification you can think of, there are no limitations!

Jump into our network, get motivated, inspired and most of all. Aim to be fulfilled by having fun with pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Life is way too short for ‘being in the middle lane’.

Get, Your, Smile, On.